Tuesday, September 16, 2008

17th September 2008

I had an awesome experience today as once again, I acted as lone ranger to present the IWB product. This time is different from the previous experience as we were asked to pick out the 'best' product among the group members while my work was not the best but rather the only one that can be presented. However, I 'thanked' my group members for giving me this 'opportunity' to present my work as I received a lot of valueble comments and suggestions from the tutors as well as the professor. These really help a lot in improving my work as I have been working on my own and it has not evaluated by others.

Some of the comments such as adding in learning outcome, colouring the shapes, making the font size bigger, adding in pictures of cartoon characters really help to improve my product and I believe it can be used in the real classroom situation. It was just moulded from a clay to a pot. ^^
I was also clarified on what to do for justifications as I was quite blur on what rationale should I give regarding this assignment. Gota run for now as I have a lot of editing to do. Till next time, bye !

Monday, September 15, 2008

Are these all necessities ?

Are they a must in our classroom ? Yup, undeniably, they bring a revolution into our teaching and learning environment yet it won't be brought to full use of it if the teacher is inefficient in incorporating these savvy equipments. Thus, teachers must be well taught of incorporating these equipments to benefit all the learners.

As requested

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10th September 2008

Well well well... one more week has passed and honestly until THIS very moment, I only started to be aware of what to be expected from assignment 3 ^^. Call me blur and lazy, I only clarified the requirements of this assignment from my course mates today ^^. Well it's STILL not too late as I've almost completed my slides with some theories of learning to be included.

Thanks to all the presentations and feedbacks, now I have a better understanding of how an effective IWB activity will look like with colours, fonts, pictures, animations etc. taken into consideration. I started to feel stressed up as most of my friends have done a great job ! All the presentations today were equally good and an IWB software novice like me is doubting I can do any better than that !

Once again, thanks to professor and tutors for giving us sufficient time, space and guidance to work on our assignments. Honestly speaking, these 3 hours we have on Wednesday is the only time I'm really in the mood to work on this assignment ^^. That's 7 days to go from now, all the best all !

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

3rd Septmeber 2008- IWB assignment

Without realizing how fast time can past, we have not more than 2 weeks left to have our presentation ready ! As I chose to work on Mathematics topic, the process going on here isn't pleasing to me as I don't have much time to juggle up to 10 assignments from 7 different demanding courses this semester !

Well, seems that this struggle can only be understood by my fellow course mates and what else can we do but to hold on and strive for the best ? I salute all of you, yea 75 of you who manage to complete the assignmentS in time as it's seriously not an easy job here.

In these 3 hours we spent in the PC lab, I managed to get some useful educational sites from my friends that I want to include into my slides for this assignment. An appreciation to the tutors that you people are always around whenever we face any problem regarding this mission impossible.

Once again, Gambateh to all of us and may the best presentation be shown !